This is our last week of regular events for Semester 1! After this week, our regular events will start up again in Semester 2 from the week of January 16th.
Reading and Film Group
Reading: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios, N. Bostrom.
Discussion Group
Topic: Consciousness
Academic Support Office Hours
Thursday, 1st December; 2 pm until 4 pm, Dugald Stewart Building (DSB), Room 5.01.
Guest Lecture
Thursday, 1st December; 6.15 pm, David Hume Tower, Lecture Theatre B.
Speaker: Prof. Fiona Macpherson, University of Glasgow
Interests: Philosophy of Mind
Interests: Philosophy of Mind
Title: “Imagination and Perception”
Abstract: “Do perception and imagination interact? I’ll examine the evidence that they do. I’ll then suggest that this interaction may account for the perception of volumes. Finally, I will discuss the implications this has for the distinction between perception and imagination.”